Saturday, February 18, 2012

This is winter?

I wrote the title of this post before I went down into my basement where it's really cold.  I used to have a space heater that I used down here, but just remembered that it's upstairs in the babies' room.  Anyways, I was going to comment on how mild this winter has been and how it was nice enough to go out and take the babies for a walk.  That said, I didn't take the babies for a walk - I had a bunch of things I had to get done at home, but now I wish I had.  I think tomorrow might be just as nice and I'll definitely go tomorrow.  So what did I do today?  What was so important - well, nothing really important, but Tony was over at his mom & dad's working so I was on baby duty.  I feel like I have something to prove when I'm with them by myself.  Basically to show him and others that I can do as good a job as he can and I don't fall apart without him.  So, I got 2 loads of laundry done, dishes done, bottles done, formula cups filled, and played with the dog outside.  I know it doesn't sound like that much, but all of that plus taking care of three babies - well it is alot - and I'm tired.  (I'll be going to bed shortly after finishing this.)  The day went pretty well.  Nothing out of the ordinary, but they did eat sweet potatoes.  Everyone, but Amelia appeared to enjoy them.  Another notable thing the babies are doing is alot more reaching for things.  Olivia reaches for her bottle and reaches for you if she's in the exersauer, and this morning reached for the papers I had in my hand.  She ended up with the Toys-R-Us ad and proceeded to rip it up.  It then was promptly brought up to her mouth.  Oh yeah, that's another thing - everything gets into their mouth (if they can lift it up).  I can't tell you how many times I see them with their bibs in their mouths.  It's really funny, but hopefully they'll grow out of this stage of everything going into their mouths.  I'm sure there's more I could write about, but I have to load the washer with dirty diapers.  We're hoping it'll be nice outside tomorrow so we can sun them. 

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