Saturday, February 25, 2012

Are they really asleep?

I was just reminded of something we used to do to/with the babies when they were younger, so I had to write about it before I forgot.  I was reminded when Tony raised the dog's paw in the air and let it go and it fell to the floor promptly - obviously Buddy was really out cold.  We used to do that with the babies to tell if they were really asleep.  If the arm dropped all the way, they were completely asleep.  Sometimes you'd notice that their arm still had some 'life'  in it and didn't fall down at once.  When this happened, we knew they weren't completely out so it was risky to put them down - as they may wake up as soon as you tried.  I remember at that time, I never thought they'd be sleeping through the night, but they do and have been for some time now.  :)

We had another family outing today.  We finally got downtown and ordered our new fridge (for the garage).  Tony has been hounding me for this for a while now so it'll get him off my back for a little while.  He's been requesting a new one since he's been thinking about making his own baby food.  From what I understand, it's not actually all that difficult (at this stage).  You can just puree everything!  He's done a few things so far, including squash, sweet potato and spinach.  I fed the spinach to them today and as always, Olivia and little T will eat it, but Amelia didn't want anything to do with it.  She basically spit it back right after I spooned it into her mouth.  She even went so far as to push her entire bib in her mouth to wipe the rest of it out!

Ok, back to the outing - we ordered the fridge and of course got a few questions and looks from other shoppers and people working there.  One that I never really know how to answer that I got today is "did you know you were having triplets?"  I'm not really sure what people are looking for when they ask this question, but my response is typically the same - which is "yes, we knew pretty early on that there were three".  After that, we drove up to Sam's Club - a place we've been a number of times with the babies.  It was a windy day and took one of us to just hold the stroller still from rolling while the other loaded.  It was an uneventful trip really - just the normal stares, questions, etc.  I especially love the looks from other people that have one baby in a stroller or carrier.  I often think they think that it's difficult to undergo an outing with just one - and can't even imagine what we go through... and I'd have to agree with them - they have no idea.  One person there - giving away samples of gross gummy vitamins - said to us as we were checking out..."it doesn't get any better".  I was sure to thank her for her optimism.  

1 comment:

  1. Love the fact that I can look forward to our three sleeping through the night :-) I wanted to comment because I soley made baby food for our son when he was a baby. I didn't do it as much as a cost saver, but for the fact that he was uber picky and wouldn't eat anything out of a jar... It was a lot of fun and totally worth it in the long run (have you seen the meat in a jar - GROSS!) I have a decent cookbook for food as they get bigger and a few tricks that I did when I was making the food. Great idea for a second fridge! I will likely do the same for our 3 as well.
