Saturday, May 26, 2012


My little man can now pull himself up to a standing position as of today!!  He seems so happy and pulls himself up on anything and everything he can in the play yard.  I don't think he's able to do it in his crib, but I'm sure that's not too far behind.  What makes it even better is that my mom and sister were here to see him do it for one his first times doing it.  I'll have to get a picture of him or video of him in the next few days.  I was a bit busy today cleaning the house and getting prepped for the baptism and party to follow that will be tomorrow. 
Another great thing that restores my faith in mankind is the generosity of my fellow triplet moms.  I recently found a facebook group of just mom's of triplets!  It's amazing how many of us are around!  Last week, someone posted that they have about $600 in Alimentum formula that they'd like to donate to someone else that has triplets.  She lives in Connecticut, which isn't really close, but close enough to make it worth my time to go and get it.  I'm actually having my Aunt/Uncle, who lives close to this triplet momma's dad's office, pick it up and within the next few weeks, we'll take the babies up for a visit.  Thanks again Megan!

I need to get to bed - I'm not sure why, but this past week, I've been planning to get to bed early, but I end up staying up later and later every night.  I think last night, I was awake and still doing household chores at 1am.  before I went to bed.  This would be an early night if I actually went to bed within the next few mins.

Pictures of the baptism and party to follow tomorrow!

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