Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Christmas (part II)

The afternoon of Christmas was spent at Tony's mom's house with his family.  They all got a ton of stuff - most of which consisted of a million tiny pieces which will drive me nuts trying to keep together!  They had a ton of fun opening all of the presents and then we had a grand time packing it all up in the car to cart it all home. 
Tony trying on his new bathrobe.

Amelia opening a gift from Aunt Lori and Uncle Steve

Olivia opening a gift from Aunt Natalie and Uncle Kevin

Tony posing with his new Play-Doh set saying "CHEESE"

Olivia eyeing up her new cup.

 This picture needs to be explained... toward the end of the evening, Olivia, Tony and their cousin Thomas decided to play 'secret agents' and their hide out was under the dining room table where they proceeded to take every piece of fabric from the living room and put it under the table.  I'm talking about every throw pillow, blanket, arm chair covers, stockings, etc.  There was alot of stuff under there.  One time I looked down there I saw Olivia and Thomas holding hands and it appeared that she was giving him a kiss!  I snapped this picture of them under the table.  (Later on I asked Olivia if she gave Thomas a kiss - she said yes but was just one on the cheek!) 
All of the cousins (minus 1 and a half)

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