Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Happy Father's Day... a little late

I actually feel terrible that I didn't do more for Tony for Father's Day.  I had a bunch of ideas but because I wasn't feeling well the whole week before, none of them actually happened.  I ordered a cute t-shirt for him from Cafe Press, but it hasn't come yet.  I also had a great idea to make him a card that would be from the babies.  We had some onesies that were actually from Thanksgiving last year that were 6 month size, but were more like 9 month so they all still fit into them!  I was able to get the trio dressed and out the door while Tony was taking a break in the basement.  I wanted to see if I could find a good photo spot and ended up over at his parents house using a few of their many potted flowers they had for the background.  What I've learned is that it will never be easy to get them all smiling and looking at the camera at the same time.  I tried 'morphing' two of the best pictures to get one good one, but then something happened and when I went to print it out to make the card, I only ended up with 2 of the 3 babies!  I was so annoyed and tired as it was about 11pm when I was able to get around to doing this that I just gave up.  Here are a few of the pictures I was able to get.

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