For little Tony, the whole thing was just a bit tiring...
Once the priest arrived, everything moved very quickly... I feel bad at this point that I wasn't paying as much attention to the proceedings that I probably should have, but I wanted to get at least a few pictures because I knew everyone else was occupied holding the babies so they couldn't take any! Amelia was looking beautiful in her dress and also having fun with her Godfather - Uncle Steve.
Olivia also looked beautiful during the mass. Here she is being held by her God mother - Aunt Natalie.
Little Tony was a handsome little man in his shorts suit, but he was too tired to care... Here he is being held by his Godmother - 'Aunt' Beth.
He woke up while the water was being poured over his head. I have to mention that each of them did very well, we had no crying whatsoever. Here's a few pictures of them each being 'cleansed'
Everything was over and done before we knew it and we didn't have a chance to take any pictures afterwards because we needed to leave the church because they needed to set up for the afternoon mass. I guess if we had thought about it, we would have taken our trio pictures before but there was a bit of tension in the air for a lot of reasons that I won't get into in this blog. I actually didn't get pictures of the party afterwards either but everyone had a good time. The food was great thanks to Aunt Beth and Cafe Napoli and Amici Bakery. The first bit of excitement/commotion was the dog getting out the front door and running down the street - and then watching a bunch of other people start running after him. A special thanks to cousin Zachary for actually catching up with Buddy and bringing him back home.
All of the kids had fun with the bubbles that Aunt Natalie brought over and baby jail (the play yard) was a big hit. We brought it out to help corral the babies but all of the kids wanted to get inside!
Since we didn't get any pictures of the three of them that day, we dressed them up in their dresses/suit so we could get a good shot to send as thank you cards. We actually didn't get any with them all looking in the same direction, but luckily because I took so many in a row, the photo editor on this computer was able to morph two of the best shots into one and we got this one.
I have one final picture that I had to take and post because it's hilarious, but I'm probably going to HE double hockey sticks for it - but it speaks for itself. My little Amelia :)
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