I've been very lax lately, and know there are alot of things I should write about, and hopefully I'll remember most. This past week, my trio hit their 10 month birthday. I can't believe where the time has gone. I look at pictures of when I first brought them home and look at them now and am amazed at how far we've all come.
Amelia is still our smallest - weighing between 15-16 lbs as of a few weeks ago. She can crawl pretty fast now and easily pull herself up from sitting and can cruise along the inside of the baby cage. She still has her good/bad times with eating but we're keeping a food log to see if there's any sort of pattern to her not wanting to eat. It doesn't seem like there is, but I can tell that if she's forced to finish her bottle, she will no doubt throw it up. We go back to the pediatrician on Tuesday as a follow up from her being sick a few weeks ago and to see if she's putting back on the weight she had lost while being sick. She's still our most 'sensitive' baby and will cry when she falls over whereas the other other two seem to take their lumps a little better. She can also be the most smiley baby at times - so you never know! She's got 3 teeth (two bottom and one on top) in and the other top tooth is appearing. She's mostly wearing 9 month clothes, but can still fit into some 6 month stuff. She continues to be a good sleeper/good nap taker and everyone says she looks just like me.

Little Tony is my sweet little man. He's such a happy baby and has mastered the ability to pull himself up on anything and everything like his sisters. He is a great eater (he weighs between 18-19 lbs) but not such a great sleeper. I've learned that he likes to stay up later after he eats his dinner. If he gets put to bed right after he eats, he'll just cry in his crib. Lately, I'll just pick him up and sit with him for about 10 minutes on my bed quietly and then put him back in bed. He seems to go right to sleep after that. Tony doesn't want me to get him into this 'habit' but I honestly don't mind doing it most nights because I don't usually get to spend alot of time with each baby (individually). So this is my time with him and I enjoy every second of it. He will also be seeing the pediatrician on Tuesday as a follow up from his ear infection. Sometimes when he cries at night, I'm thinking that the infection is coming back and I really don't want that - those were some bad sleepless nights. Despite him being a great eater, he's terrible at taking medicine. He HATES it - not sure if it's the flavor or texture, but either way, it's a struggle to have him drink it. He's got his two bottom teeth, but the two top ones will be emerging very soon and he's fitting into 9 month clothes these days.

Olivia continues to amaze me with everything I see her doing. We were at my cousin's house today for a visit and we didn't have the baby gates up and I was able to watch how fast she can crawl! She's can really get around. She's able to stand up without assistance for about 30 seconds at a time (not holding onto anything) and I love to watch her as she figures out new toys. What I don't love to watch is her being a bully. She's the one who steals the toys away from her brother or sister. They'll be playing with something and the next thing you know - she has it. She also is the biggest hair puller. She'll even tug on the hair of whomever is getting their diapers changed (because her crib is right there.) I just hope she doesn't do what I've heard from other people about their multiples - bite each other. She's got 7 teeth and more are coming in. She's still the one with the most drool, but the tooth cutting doesn't seem to bother her too much. She's around the same weight as Tony, but doesn't have an appt with the pediatrician although she'll becoming along with the gang. I'd actually like her to be seen because she still has a cough. It's one of those loud rough wet coughs, but we're not able to give her any meds to clear her out so we just continue to use the humidifier. She's not as congested (snotty) as she was but still has the cough - poor baby!

So this weekend marked our first baby hair cut. Little Tony's hair was getting pretty shaggy and we decided to get it done because Tony had to get his done too. Here's a few pictures of the experience. Tony's mom came and saw what a good little boy he was. He didn't cry at all and both ears are still intact! Olivia and Amelia were also good babies while they waited for their brother's hair to be done.
his before picture....
Little Tony watching as his daddy got his hair cut!
Amelia and Olivia waiting patiently...
during the cut...
and the after!
Today we took a short road trip to my cousin Tracy's house. A little back story on what prompted this visit. I belong to a triplet mom facebook page and noted that someone had posted that she'd like to donate her unused Alimentum formula to someone who has triplets. The only problem is that she lives in Connecticut. I emailed her a few times and we were able to work something out to get me the formula for my little peanut, Amelia. This MoM got the formula through her insurance to didn't feel bad just giving it away. This was really cool of her and can't believe others' generosity and makes we want to help others when I can. Well, the pick up of the formula included my Uncle who lives very close to where this MoM's father works in Tarrytown. It all worked out and I came home after a nice visit with about 60 bottles of the ready to feed formula. This should likely get us to a year old when she may not have to drink too much more formula.

This past week, I also got together for my MoM club's 'instillation' dinner. The best part of the whole thing other than the food was the kindness of a fellow MoM. She had brought me 3 huge bags of clothes for the babies. Speaking of other MoM's - I met a fellow triplet mom - she started the local consignment shop in town (http://www.facebook.com/pages/Little-Rascals-Consignment-Shop/144569045657227). There isn't anything I need right now, but I'm sure this place will come in very handy in the near future!
I think that's about all for tonight, I'm beat!
Wait one more really cute picture ! I took this today. So fun to watch them in their walkers! This was the traffic jam that was created by Olivia!
Hilarious! Olivia is the one looking back to see the chaos she's created and Amelia is crying cause she's stuck and Tony - well, he's just chillin'!