Saturday, July 19, 2014

And now... something from little Tony

Tony can be the sweetest little boy.  He's the best hugger and is still the most helpful.  On the other hand, he can be the most mischievous at times and he gets away with alot because he's so darn cute and knows how to stick out his lower lip and pout.  (He doesn't always!)

So the other night while I was bathing the girls and calling for him to get in too, I discovered that he had found my camera and started snapping pictures everywhere.  I finally caught up with him hiding under his bed.  His other usual hiding spot when he's been naughty is under the kitchen table.  The only reason I knew he had the camera is because I kept seeing flashes of light!

Let's take a look at what he was able to capture!
"I present to you my clean hands!"

and now... the vacuum full or dirt and dog/cat hair!

and now... the bottom of the vacuum cleaner

and now... some items on the floor and their reflections - including my feet and legs!

and now presenting...the cat's dining area (I guess I should clean it up)

and more of the dirty cat dining area!

...a close up of daddy's dresser!

ummm I have no idea what this is!

and now a close up of the top of Roomba!

... a close up of daddy's dresser pull

a very lovely close up of my bedroom floor (cork)

and for the pièce de résistance (a) Entitled:  My Right Foot

and finally pièce de résistance (b) My Left Foot

 Tony would like to thank his sisters for keeping mommy occupied so that he could put together his masterful presentation. 

He had actually just changed the  mode on the camera to shoot video when I went to get the camera back from him - I won't share that though because it involved a few choice words on my part!

Who knows maybe he'll grow up to be a famous photographer!

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