Friday, June 27, 2014

Father's Day

Our father's day actually started on Saturday - Daddy got a new T-shirt and breakfast that he didn't have to make himself.  He jokes that his favorite meal is one he doesn't have to cook himself.  So we headed off to our usual diner for breakfast.  Sunday - we went over to Tony's parents house for brunch.  After eating, we just hung out.  Tony actually had to run down to the restaurant to drop something off (before his shift) so he left us for a bit.  The kids played in the sandbox and on Grandma and Grandpa's swing set.  We attempted to get a nice trio picture, but well... you can see how that worked out.  We also made an attempt at having a nice picture taken with Grandma and Grandpa and the result of that is below.  Overall we had a nice time!

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