Thursday, October 10, 2013

See Me Be Brave

I know there are other triplet moms out there that might laugh at me, but I finally took my trio out shopping by myself for the first time this past weekend.  Yes, they're over two years old and I had never taken them out by myself - other than for walks in the stroller, etc. but never shopping.  T has taken them numerous times by himself and doesn't sweat it anymore.  Since they were born, I never really had the opportunity to go anywhere by myself.  I'm at work all week and then on the weekends if we needed to go out - we'd go together.  Since T started working and mostly on the weekends recently, I've been stuck at home and too afraid to venture out with the three of them for fear that someone would run off and I wouldn't be able to control the situation and all hell would break loose.

I finally decided it was time to give it a try and go to Sam's Club because I was pretty sure they had the shopping carts sort of like Target that I'd be able to strap the three of them into.  So off I went.  I learned a few things on my trip.
1)  I need to strap them into their car seats and not just get them into the van.  They CAN open the van door and they WILL get out.
2)  It's ok to 'shop around' for a GOOD shopping cart.  (I took the first one I found and learned that all carts are not created equal.)
3) Because my kids don't look anything alike... no one knows they're triplets and NO ONE asked me any questions or even seemed to care.
4) My kids have a very short attention span.  (They'd want to hold onto something that I was buying and then within a few minutes later they were dropping it on the floor.)
I'm sure there are more but I'm not recalling them right's late (early).

Here's a picture of my little loves in the shopping cart. They were taken on my phone and not sure why the quality is so bad...

This is a song that I'm loving right now and what I immediately thought of for the title of this post as I was pretty proud of myself for being brave... Thanks Sara Bareilles :)

1 comment:

  1. Awesome job Jennifer! I don't think your nuts! I just started doing it myself and I always feel brave too!!!! And I love this song!
