Friday, July 19, 2013

Waiting for the other shoe to drop...

I'm not quite sure why, but throughout my adult years I've noticed that I can never quite seem to get it all together - meaning that I've never been able to balance my work life and home life.  I find that when things are going well at home, my work life doesn't seem to be going too well or if I'm doing well at work, my home life tends to be in turmoil.  Right now, it seems that both home and work life seem to be coinciding harmoniously and not that I want one of the two to suffer, but I just feel something's about to happen and the other shoe is about to drop.

So far here's what has happened...I got recognized at work within the last two weeks by my supervisor and other superiors for a job well done with some trainings that I conducted.  It was really nice to be acknowledged!  Then at the beginning of this week I got a ticket for having my phone in my hand and I wasn't able to produce proof of insurance so I got another ticket for that.  Now, I definitely have insurance, I just didn't have my current card on me.  I wasn't going to tell Tony because he tends to get mad about things - and blow things out of proportion and with him starting this new job, I didn't want to bother/burden him with something that he couldn't do anything about.  I'm not the best secret keeper, but I was able to keep my mouth shut from Monday until today (thursday).  I would have gotten away with it, if it weren't for those pesky lawyers! and for the fact that my check to cover the fine for the cell phone ticket got returned and sent back to him!  I couldn't believe it.  The only thing that I thought that could clue him in would be the insurance cards that will show up because I requested them so I'd actually have one in the car...  The best part of the whole situation is that he didn't go crazy about it - which was really nice and appreciated.

So maybe I will be able to make everything work!  So far so good, but I'll stay on guard just in case.

I went into work late today because Tony had to attend some training for the job so I was with the babies for the morning.  It was actually a really nice time and I got alot done - we spent most our morning upstairs and I got some laundry folded and sorted through their drawers - removing anything that doesn't fit or things that they won't be wearing - like all the long sleeve shirts or long pants.  I know it doesn't sound like much, but that along with keeping them all out of trouble.  I actually was able to get a decent picture of the three of them.  They all grabbed one of the hand/face wipes and were wiping their mouths off and I was able to get them all looking at the same time!


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