One evening, I was searching around their website and found a contest that is titled "Cow Birthday Visit". Turkey Hill has these giant two ton, 13 foot cows that they take to promotional events and such and apparently to a few birthday parties every year. Naturally, I entered the contest. Then entered it again. Then I called and left a crazy person message on someone in marketing's voicemail and followed up again with an email. Yes, I'm officially insane because I want that cow! I've told several people about this to the point of people asking me if I've heard anything. I was originally planning a certain theme for the birthday party, but now I'm totally obsessed with having this cow come to the party. I can see it now... a whole barnyard theme, possibly a petting zoo (OMG, can you even imagine!) It would be SO MUCH FUN!
It's getting pretty close to the point of where they would need to let me know sooner than later and I'm getty pretty anxious about it. I'll likely plan to call again tomorrow and see what they say. Their website says that they would let you know at least one month in advance and one month before their birthday would be this upcoming weekend. So I'm starting to let the disappointment sink in slowly. I want this so much! You have no idea!
My obsession with the idea of this initially started because my MIL made a comment to Tony about not having a 'big' birthday party this year. So obviously, she thought that too many people came last year according to her. Last year's guest list included his parents, his brothers and their families (minus the one that lives in KC I'll ), my parents, my sisters and their families, my aunt and uncle that live about an hour away, my cousin and her family, Tony's two aunt's and uncle's, Melanie and her family plus Tony's friend/old co-worker and her family plus a few others that I'm likely forgetting. So in total about 30 adults and about 8 kids. It may see like alot, and I know my MIL would have been happier if my family hadn't attended, the guest list mainly contained I'm not sure who I'd cut out to make it a smaller party. Ok I know exactly who I wouldn't invite, but that wouldn't be very nice of me! What I don't understand is why she feels the right to dictate what size party we should have. My thought process is this: I have three kids - each with the same birthday. Not everyone can say that and I feel it's a pretty darn fantastic thing that we've made it this far (without killing each other, or one of them, or anyone else!). So it's as much their celebration as it is for me/us. So again, my initial plan was to have Turkey Hill bring their cow and I'd invite the whole town! I'll show her small party! The worst part right now is that she'll likely end up getting her way because it doesn't appear that I'll get my wish. Oh well, there's always their third birthday to look forward to.

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