Today is my 38th birthday and it was a pretty good day. I hate to say it was nothing that special, but admittedly, it wasn't. I got up, took a shower, got dressed and then went into the babies room to get them up and changed. Today was also the day that we were getting our new windows put in. The installers came bright and early - 8:15am! They quickly got to work up in the babies room and as they looked around they let us know that we 'had alot of work to do'. This is a normal comment that we hear regarding having triplets, but that's not what they meant. They meant that we had alot of stuff/furniture too close to the windows that needed to be moved and essentially meant that they weren't going to be doing the moving. As I finished getting ready for work and cleaning/moving stuff away from the windows, I had to check on the babies who were in the living room as we were all upstairs. They were being quiet. really quiet... too quiet. Usually, when they're being quiet, they're usually getting into trouble. The biggest 'trouble' they get into usually is climbing up on the back of the couch and 'going fishing' in the tank. I wouldn't care too much ususally, but all I can think of is them falling into the water or getting electrocuted or both because the top of the fish tank that houses the lights and filter will give way (it's not all that sturdy). Another thing they'd possibly get into is the dog/cat food and water. Tony told me the other day that little Tony dumped over the dog food and it was all over the place. I've already had that happen with the cat food after being left unattended for a few minutes.
The great news is that, after checking in on them, they were all being good. really good. They were all standing around the ottoman in the living room playing... harmoniously. It was really a nice moment - one that I'll likely remember for a little while.
I remember reading a blog post a while back from someone else that wrote about the phrase 'cherish every moment' and how ridiculous that statement really is. I guess I'll choose to cherish the moments that make me smile and not the ones that make me want to tear my hair out. I have several of each of these moments daily - and not just related to having kids. For example, I'd prefer to forget that the first thing my husband said to me this morning was some not-so-nice comment about the fact that I left the kids dirty clothes (including a used cloth diaper) on the floor of the bathroom that apparently he didn't see and possibly stepped on. {oops!} and not Happy Birthday! I'd also like to forget the phone call that I fielded at work today from someone that thought she should get something for nothing and when I said 'no', all I got was a nasty attitude in return. I'll choose to remember all of the people that recognized my birthday and the comment made by one of my fellow MoM's who, when she saw Amelia said, Wow, she's a little mini-you! and the scene of my three little ones playing together so nicely. Unfortunately I don't have a picture of this - well only a mental one and that will have to do.
I have a few other moments that I'd like to remember like when we were out at breakfast this past weekend and were seated next to an older couple who once they saw us (all) sort of cringed. I hadn't experienced this before - most people that see us coming in to a restaurant see all the babies and are in awe that we're out and about, but I understood their uncertainty about being seated next to a bunch of little kids. The best (and memorable part) is when the woman came over to us and said how beautiful and well behaved our children were. That's one comment that makes me beam with pride. Now that I'm reminiscing about things I want to remember, I'll add the comment I overheard the waiter/waitress said about us regarding how well we manage getting in, eating and getting out efficiently and how we keep getting better and better. Once again, I'm pretty proud hearing this because for all times that I feel like I'm in over my head and doing a crappy job at work and at home, this makes it much better to at least have the appearance of having it together.
One final memorable moment that occurred over the past few days is when I went in to the babies room to get the dirty laundry and noticed that Amelia had climbed into Olivia's crib and fallen asleep. It was so sweet and I actually did get a picture of it... and here it is.
...and now have to take the garbage out. Ahhh... this is the life!
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