Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Dodged a bullet...

This was a comment that I heard on Easter... on having multiples.

Let me start from the beginning and preface this by saying that I'm probably a bit over sensitive about the whole subject and taking it the wrong way, but want to get it all out. 

So at the end of the afternoon and the Easter festivities were breaking up, a quiet announcement that one the sister's in law is expecting.  She shared that she had some issues early on and was in the hospital where they did an ultrasound and discovered that she was pregnant with twins, but now only pregnant with one.  She mentioned that she was fine and feeling fine and happy to be pregnant... with one.  She indicated that someone else (don't know who) said to her "you really dodged a bullet there" and she concurred with this statement.  I wasn't quite sure what to think of this comment or  how to process it.  What does she think, having twins would be the worst thing in the world?  Do we (Tony & I) make it look that difficult?  I mean sure, I rarely get dressed up or 'do' my hair, but that wasn't uncommon before the babies either. 

In talking to a few other people, one made the comment of, if she feels that way about having another child or possibly having two, then maybe they shouldn't be having any more.  Any child is a blessing.  I'm not sure if everyone would agree with me, but struggling with fertility issues and ending up getting pregnant with three and carrying three healthy babies to 35 weeks changed my outlook on a lot of things, including pregnancy and children. 
Another explanation of the comment that was given by one my optimistic friends was that Tony and I make it look easy (dealing with multiples) and she didn't think she could ever do as well.  Another said that she likely didn't know how to respond to the comment and didn't even realize what she was agreeing with. 

I guess I'd like to believe these two latter explanations and chalk it up to that she didn't realize that she was making an insensitive comment about having multiples to someone who has triplets.

1 comment:

  1. I think I'd be offended too - BUT I'm sure it was either she wasn't thinking, covering up her own sadness or she is jealous because you guys are so awesome at raising triplets... Could be any one of those things :)
