Saturday, February 9, 2013

Winter Wonderland

Winter storm Nemo blew threw yesterday/last night and left us with about 6 inches of snow.  I'm not sure when we started 'naming' winter storms, but I'll go with it.  I was told to leave work early when the rain turned to snow and it started to 'stick' to the roads.  My ride home took about twice as long as it normally would - but it wasn't only because of the road conditions - it was mostly because everyone else in the central NJ area decided to leave early too.
The snow let up a bit once I got home and then started back up around 9pm.  I went to bed around 11pm and had the alarm set for 5am so I could get to my weekend gig at Fort Dix.  It ended up that they delayed me arriving due to the snow, but I was up at 5:15am shoveling the driveway and sidewalk.  It wasn't until after that, that I received the text to come in later, so I went back to bed.
The day before, Tony and him mom had gone for the weekly milk/eggs run and also went on sled-quest 2013.  I guess any type of sled was difficult to come by - they went to two different Targets and at least a few Home Depot's and finally found a few.

Up until today, the babies had only ever seen snow - they had never played or walked in it.  Tony had his mom come over to help him out - or to at least make sure no one got into trouble.  Here's a few pictures of their time in our Winter Wonderland.

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