There's been so much going on, but can't quite find the time to write any of it down lately. So I need to get some of it out of my head before I forget it and make room for other memories of my beautiful babies!
A few weeks ago, I got up to change the babies and get them started for the day before I had to go to work. Tony had to get some blood work done at the lab about 5 minutes from home and he was going to walk them over in the stroller. That meant that we needed long sleeves, pants, socks and shoes and of course a jacket. It was starting to get a little chilly - especially at 8:30 in the morning.
I had already changed little Tony and Olivia - and put them in the same crib and grabbed Amelia to get her changed. I quickly picked out some socks for each of them and threw them into the crib with O and T. As my back was turned to change Amelia, I hear little Tony crying out and I look over and Olivia is basically laying on top of him! I yelled at her to get off of him and she did. Not even a minute later I see Olivia going back after Tony, but this time I noticed that she had the socks in her hand and she was going after his feet/legs! She was trying to lift his leg up to put the socks on him. I cracked up laughing and also felt bad that I had yelled at her for trying to help me out. It was hilarious and amazing all at the same time.
Olivia has been the first one to understand - well, alot of things. The first time she lifted her foot up for me to put her sock on, I was amazed. Now I just have to tell her to sit down and show her the socks and she sits right down or she'll brace herself in the corner of her crib so she can balance on one foot to lift the other one! She also does this with putting pants on. It's so cute and she's growing up so fast. I say this often - Where did my babies go?
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