Most people look forward to the weekend and I do too, but lately my Saturdays have been memorable, but not in a good way. It started out like most days - wake up, change diapers, feed babies, play with them for a while, start some laundry, empty the dishwasher and then put the trio up for their naps. After lunch we decided to run some errands around town so we walked. One of our stops was to the local consignment shop "
Little Rascals Consignment Shop". I was looking to get a particular toy, but Tony said no - it was rather large, and I'm still trying to talk him into getting a single stroller and then a double - used of course - for when we go out together. The triple stroller is great, but not the easiest to maneuver. I think I still have some convincing to do. Afterwards, we stopped for lunch at our favorite local place Cafe Napoli's. The babies got to sample some of the vanilla frozen yogurt and some unseasoned garlic knots. Olivia is the only one that likes the cold ice cream. Both Amelia and Tony will only eat it if it's basically liquid and room temperature. We also had our first incident with the stroller tipping over. Olivia was in the first seat, Amelia in the middle and Tony in the back. Olivia was getting annoyed so I took her out and within a few moments, little Tony was on the floor. Still in his seat and fine, but a little surprised by the ride! We then went to the bank and CVS and then finally home. Along the way, we of course got some comments from others walking/driving by. One woman came up, looked at each of the babies and then said - "oh well, they're not all the same age". I said, "yes, they are". She then said "well, how did you do that?" I wasn't quite sure how to answer that, but I wanted to say, "we did it three times in a row!" We got a peace sign out a car window and another woman asked Tony if they were all ours.
Once we arrived home, we gave them their bottles, Olivia was still boycotting her bottle. The really bad part of the afternoon/evening didn't start until later, when the official 'unhappy hour' began. Amelia was screaming at the top of her lungs activating my acoustic reflex muscle - that one's for all my audiologist friends, Olivia was crying constantly and little Tony - well, to tell you the truth, I can't recall, but do know that there was alot of noise. At one point I just couldn't take it anymore, threw the bottle (that Olivia was refusing to eat), put her down, and went outside and just screamed! Of course the neighbors and a bunch of his friends were outside and witnessed my breakdown, but they didn't say much. I recall mumbling something about the babies and how they wouldn't stop screaming. We finally finished their dinner, gave them baths and got them to bed. I ended up going outside again later and the neighbor asked me if the babies were in bed and if everything was ok... I responded with a tired yes and started to think about people with one baby and how they couldn't possibly understand what this is like. Tony says that I don't even really know what it's like, because I'm not with them all day long - which is partially true, but I'd like to think that I've spent with them to 'understand' what he goes through. I usually take them on a walk when I get home from work - to get them through the 'unhappy hour' and that seems to help.
So I think that I've re-gained my sanity, but I feel it's always on the edge.
In other news, Olivia took her first un-assisted steps over the weekend - it was only about 2-3 small steps, but I'm sure in no time, she'll be running around.
Here are a few pictures from the weekend.
This picture is actually from the previous week, but it may be one of the last time she's actually drank her bottle! |
Me and Olivia - my drool queen! |
My girls can clap :) |
This was at the end of the very bad night - fell asleep eating his dinner. |
Amelia fell asleep pretty quickly too. |
Olivia taking her bath. |
Tony playing with a little bit of water in the bowl. I'm thinking he'll be a chef like his daddy! |
Pool time fun - The girls are watching the dog. Amelia looks really mad, but that's actually a really excited face that I captured. |
Everyone getting along in the pool. |
Amelia looking cute in her 4th of July outfit - yes only 10 days late! |
I do feel your pain Jennifer! I hadn't thought about going outside to scream, but I will take that under advisement and see if that works for me next time :) Just think about when they are 6 - it will all be better then :-)