The whole clan is still sick. Little Tony is probably the best of all of us with just an occasional cough. Olivia is all congested and has a cough, but seems to be fever free. Amelia, seems to still have a fever occasionally, is congested with a runny, snotty nose, has a cough and has laryngitis. She can't even cry out loudly. This isn't necessarily a bad thing, but because it's difficult to hear her crying, sometimes in the middle of the night, we don't wake up until she's really distraught. She's the only one that throws up every once in a while, but we're careful to force her to eat. Tony and I are both really congested too and have a cough. I'm slowly losing my voice and it didn't help that today at work was really busy - technically we were closed, but they have a 'skeleton crew' working. Well I guess we forgot to tell all of our customers that we were closed because they were still calling up until 3:59pm when we were really closed at 4pm.
The best part of my day was when I walked through the door of the house and started to climb the stairs to the living room and all three of my babies stopped whining and smiled at me. They then played happily in their bouncers while Tony and I relaxed for a few minutes. We actually got to eat dinner prior to 9pm for a change. Tax season is drawing to an end soon and I won't be completely alone most of the weekend for too much longer. It's actually been a good test and I'm glad that it's something I did because I now know that I'm able to take care of all three of them on my own. It's exhausting, but possible!
I didn't make it to my MoM meeting this past week and likely not next month either. I'm still carting around several boxes of baby girl clothes to give to a fellow MoM. One of these days, once everyone is better, tax season is over and the rest of the dust settles, we'll get a chance to connect and I can meet her baby girls.
Yesterday, while over at the inlaws house, I took a video of little T and Olivia both wresting with the same balloon. I couldn't stop cracking up and between all the phone calls at work today, I showed this video to everyone that came over to me. Hey, I couldn't help it - it's so darn cute. I'll have to load it tomorrow... taking too long to load right now and I need to sleep!
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