Friday, January 20, 2012

Everyone eats oatmeal!

I don't get to post very often, but feel impelled to write an update every now and then.  I just finished my third week on the new job and feeling good about the decision.  Everyone seems so nice and happy with their job there.  The best part is that I already have a great friend there - James - who I worked with previously.  It makes things a bit easier seeing a friendly face every day.  I also seem to 'fit in' well with the other audiologists and have already started exchanging things with one of them who has an 8 month old baby.  She brought in a cute outfit and some formula samples and I gave her some coupons.  Today we even bonded over our common back pain.  The only reason I know is that she had a book on her desk about 'healing your own back pain' that was written by Robin McKenzie and it just so happens that my sister is credentialed in the McKenzie way/style of PT!  Too bad she doesn't live closer, she would already have several patients to treat.
As for T, he seems to be doing really well lately.  I think he's got his routine down and for the most part, everyone stays on schedule.  Our morning starts between 6 - 7am with the baby alarm going off.  It's normally Olivia, but sometimes Amelia will be the first to wake up.  Everyone gets fed and diapers changed and gets back to bed by 7:45am.  During that time I'm also getting ready for work.  I'm usually out the door by 8am - 8:15am.  From what I understand, they usually take a little nap and then go downstairs around 9am.  Earlier this week, they started getting a little bit of oatmeal - only about a tablespoon each.  He sits them up in the bumbos and gives them each a tiny bit on the tip of the spoon and goes in order... some for Olivia, some for little T, and some for Amelia, and then he starts over!  Olivia is the best eater, then little T and little Amelia tends to push it back out of her mouth the most, but with everything else, she'll get there!

They get another bottle around 11am, more oatmeal around 1pm, another bottle at 3pm, more oatmeal round 5pm and their last bottle at 7pm.  After that feeding, we put them to bed!  They usually sleep through the night.  I say 'usually' because the past two nights little T and/or Amelia has woken up early - like midnight or 4am.  I really need to get to bed earlier, but just can't seem to wind down enough to go to bed before 10 - 11pm.  I'm glad it's Friday and I have good intentions to try and sleep in tomorrow, but we'll see if it actually happens.  I'll likely feel impelled to get up earlier and clean.  Oh and the reason for the title is that I, along with the babies, had oatmeal today!  Here's a few pictures from tonight or this week.

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