Friday, November 25, 2011

Giving thanks!

Yesterday was technically Thanksgiving, but we didn't get to celebrate it until today.  T's family arranged it for today so the other SiLs could be with their families yesterday, but I had to work today, so they waited to eat until I was there.  Work was, well work - I tested a bunch more babies and just when I thought I could get out a little early I noticed that I didn't get a patient's hearing aid back yet for her appointment on Monday.  I tried to call, but no answer and no voicemail!  This was the sort of afternoon that makes me want to work somewhere else - somewhere with less pressure and the patient work load is more evenly distributed.
Here's a little bit of info on my work situation.  We currently have 4 FT people and one more per diem person who works 2 days a week.  Of the 4 FT, only 2 see patients regularly - One is all administrative, one is part admin, part patient.  The per diem person, as far as I can tell, doesn't do a whole lot.  Not sure why they pay her to come in and sit in an office for two days to see possibly two patients.  Plus she's not even going to be around for the next month and a half.  I'm still debating on whether or not I want to go to our 'holiday' party.  I'm thinking I'd rather go home and spend more time with my family than with my co-workers. 
T's parents bought the babies some Thanksgiving outfits - very nice and cute, but in a 6 month size!  I guess there was a big run on 3 month size baby clothes for this holiday.  T ended up washing and drying them and shrinking them a bit so they weren't so huge on them.  Little T wet through his by the end of the night, so we didn't get a picture of the three of them, but we will.
Here's a few pictures from the past few days plus a picture of a little gift our health insurance company sent to us for the babies.  It's a plate, bowl, cup, fork and spoon set and yes we got three!

Olivia hanging out in the RnP

Tony helping daddy with the Christmas lights!

Amelia after eating her dinner

Tony & Grandpa Czar after eating

Well, that's it for now - time to get some sleep!

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