Olivia's latest thing is running through everyone she knows and telling me if they are a boy or a girl. Here's how the conversation goes:
Olivia: Mommy, you a girl.
Me: Yes, I'm a girl.
Olivia: I a girl. Mia's a girl.
Me: What is Tony?
Olivia: Tony's a boy.
Me: What about daddy?
Olivia: Daddy a boy too. Buddy's a boy and kitty's a girl.
Me: Right! What about Grandma and PaPa?
I think you get the gist. She gets everyone correct and this morning after telling me that I'm a girl, she told me that I'm her friend. I just about melted. I also caught her singing a made up song about our fish pond and the fish!
Tony is big into playing games on my phone. I have a few apps that he goes between. He usually starts with a "Doctor" game - then moves onto the Dinosaur digging game. He also likes to play the 'balloon popping' game and every now and again I catch him playing Candy Crush.
He's also into shapes and he knows alot of them - Thanks Team Umizoomi!
Amelia lately loves hopping around like a bunny and dancing around. She can often be seen singing any number of songs including ABC's or Twinkle Twinkle or Happy birthday (to daddy). She's quite loquacious and enjoys sleeping in in the mornings!
I haven't had a chance to take many pictures lately, but hopefully I'll get to take some soon!