During my last doctor's appointment, we were discussing a whole bunch of issues, reviewed my bloodwork, etc. including my need to see an eye doctor for a check up and a gynecologist since I haven't been since I had the babies and they're going to be 20 months pretty soon. I did try and go for a check up a while ago, but once I got there and realized that I mostly likely was going to wait for over an hour past my appointment time, I decided my time was too valuable and left vowing that I wouldn't return. I was pretty mad that day. So the doctor ended up asking me if I'm planning on having my more children, which up until recently, my answer has always been no. Lately, I'm feeling the itch to be pregnant. I think it's the combination of a couple things - like being around people that are pregnant and wanting to experience that again. I have a mostly positive recollection of my pregnancy (I think I may be blocking out the bad). Part of me wants to know if I could get pregnant on my own (without the help of fertility drugs/intervention) and part of me wants to know if I'd have another set of multiples. At this point, we're not trying to have any more children, but we're not, not trying either. The way I left it with the doctor was - if it happens, it happens, even though I know financially, it wouldn't be the best idea for our family.
I'm sure there are a bunch of other things that I should be catching up on, but I just can't seem to remember right now. I've taken a ton of pictures over the past few weeks - some good, but not all. I have really bad luck with cameras and lately, the one I have doesn't seem to capture movement very well. Everything comes out blurry and believe me, it's not easy to get them to stand still.
In other news, we got a new microwave. The one we had kept turning itself off after being on for 2 seconds and the only way to get it back on was to reset it and enter the date and time. This would/could happen about 5 times in a row before actually staying on. It became a real annoyance - trying to heat something up for 30 seconds and it taking 5 minutes. So we had looked around and decided on getting a microwave/convection oven from the appliance place downtown. Tony installed it and has been a baking maniac ever since. He's made cupcakes, soda bread, muffins, crackers and cookies! He likes it more because it doesn't heat up the whole house like the oven would. This should come in really handy when we have to bake alot of things for the kids and around the holidays! So we had the pretty large box that the microwave came in and of course that's what they ended up playing with! I cut a few holes/doors for them to peek through and they had a blast!